Thursday 30 January 2014

A new dress and a lovely tutorial.

Not for me but for the smallest munchkin. I bought the Tweet fabric a while back now with the idea of using it to make a dress. And I finally had the guts to cut into it yesterday. I paired it up with some more Tweet fabric for coordinated sleeves. I bought both fabrics from Rachel over at Rooftop Fabrics. I have a bit of a fabric habit and I do love the things she has in stock. :)
For my birthday last week hubby bought me a lovely BIG cutting mat and a longer ruler. I trimmed the bottom border from the fabric as this would have made my fabric too long. I had had in mind an idea for a peasant type dress and then I found this tutorial at Sew Like My Mom which was a perfect base for me.
I made the dress shorter in length as my daughter is only 1 and I shortened the sleeves an inch as she needs to grab things easily still. I didn't add the elastic waist as I wanted more of a tunic than a dress but I think I will make another and will try adding it.
I was really pleased with the finished item. Now for her to get over her horrid cough/cold and give us a go modelling it.
I am currently working on a shirt for number 1 son and then I think I will try another dress. The best thing about this was it was so simple I could get it done in a morning.

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